National Supply Chain Purchasing Program

Stratum’s member-driven group purchasing program is based on the principle that collaboration creates real, impactful results. Our comprehensive service model facilitates networking, shared learning and consulting, while using the influence of our aggregated spend volume to identify cost savings for all shareholders and members. Dedicated resources from Stratum, Provista and our long-term distribution partners utilize enhanced auditing methods to ensure accurate contract pricing. Throughout everything, our main goal remains the same-to leverage our volume and negotiated partnership agreement enhancements to save our members money. These savings are found not only in the traditional medical surgical/pharmacy space, but also in service-related contracts through Provista and our other vendor

Total participating organizations
Physicians represented
0 +
Member retention rate (past 5 years)
0 %
Average savings across med/surg spend
0 %
Total aggregated provista contract spend
$ 0 million

Stratum represents over 3,900 providers across the country. Partner with us to receive the benefits of professional collaboration and aggregated volume savings. Stratum’s National Group Purchasing Program unites large physician groups in both multi-specialty and single-specialty organizations. By joining, you will have immediate assistance with supply chain consulting support, spend aggregation and the opportunity to have our GPO partner, Provista, start working directly with your distribution partner through our dedicated service model.

Stratum's Accelerated Growth

Take a collaborative approach to managing your supply chain program, benefit from dedicated resources and leverage collective volume to find savings through our GPO, distribution and vendor partners